Washing your hair might not be the ideal regular process, especially on that Monday you wake up with a weekend’s hangover. You need to prepare yourself in a few minutes, step out to catch the bus and get to work before the boss. A glance at the mirror crumbles your plan. Your hair needs more than time now, and it must be addressed!
But we can’t fault you. We understand this struggle. Of course, not every lady washes their hair daily. And this is a blessing in disguise! A blessing to the health of your hair. So what would come in handy after noticing your oily, greasy, and probably dirty hair? What hack would you use here?
Well, before answering your question, which is also our main question, you may be wondering why you need dry shampoo in the first place when you can wash off the dirt with wet shampoo. The answer is simple.
Washing your hair now and then is never healthy for your hair. The scalp secrets oil, keeping the hair shiny and healthy. Each time you wash your hair with wet shampoo, you take out the oil. This doesn’t mean you should not use wet shampoo, but you should use it sparingly.
What do you do when your hair is oily/greasy or late for that appointment, and you don’t have access to a shower?
The simple answer is yes. With dry shampoo, you may not worry about causing some damage to your hair. However, this is not 100% guaranteed. Some products have chemicals, and evidently, adding too much chemical is not good for your hair.
Some products are perfect, we must admit, but you may have to fork out a bit more than your budget to get them. It is almost impossible to get the best at the lowest price, but that is exactly what you stand to enjoy in baby powder.
Not only is the baby powder pocket-friendly, but also, you could exhaust your dry shampoo without paying so much attention.
You could lift the container to find it empty or find less quantity than needed for the next use. You don’t have to run down to the nearest store. Pick out your baby powder, shake some into your hair, and you are ready to go! How easy?
A point you need to note is that baby powder is just a hack or an alternative to dry shampoo. It is not originally designed for hair but with the ability to get rid of grease on your hair, then why not?
It is also important to note that having oily or greasy hair is down to several reasons. Some of these reasons may range from;
- Genetics
- General health
- Diet
- Personal hygiene
- Lifestyle
- Hair type
- Overuse of hair products
So how do you make your dry shampoo at home with baby powder? First, you need to understand all the ingredients found in baby powder.
The key ingredients on baby powders are;
- Talc – Used to absorb the excess oil and grease on your hair, which we want to achieve. Talc may contain the following minerals; hydrogen, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon. Try as much as possible to avoid baby powders with talc that contains asbestos. This has been associated with cancer infections.
- Perfume – After reducing the oil on your hair, you also need to smell nice, and baby powder has this catered for thanks to the fragrance in it. However, some baby powders are fragrance-free, and this goes down to your preference.
- Color – Well, I know what you are thinking. Baby powder is naturally white. Yes. However, some ladies would not want that powdery look. But there are some hacks to alter the white powdery residue on your hair.
Brunettes, for example, can add some cocoa butter, while redheads can do with some cinnamon on their hair. We shall look into this later!
The emphasis here is for you to check the ingredients carefully before buying the baby powder. You will also find out that most commercial dry shampoo in the stores have a combination of talc and baby powder with a topping of a fragrance.
You will realize that baby powder in itself is treated as dry shampoo since you will only apply it directly to your hair. There is no ‘special’ way to mix ingredients to make dry shampoo from baby powder.
So once you get it right on your suitable baby powder, you will have ‘made’ dry shampoo, and you can go ahead to apply it sparingly on your hair.
Now here comes another question? Are the results the same?
If used well, then the results to expect are more or less the same. We will dive into how to go about the whole process of applying baby powder later, but in the meantime, let’s compare the results baby powder and dry shampoo are bound to relay.
There can be slight changes across commercial dry shampoo products, and as stated, most of them contain talc or baby powder. The difference between these shampoos is the fragrance in most cases. Baby powder also contains talc and a fragrance.
Most people argue talc is toxic, and since it is found in baby powder, it is not good for your hair. Well, this is partly true, but it all goes down to the minerals on talc. If asbestos is on talc, then it might be toxic to your body.
Remember, baby powder will be absorbed from your hair through the follicles. If asbestos gets into your body, things might not be well. As stated, asbestos has been associated with cancer. Not all product producers add asbestos to talc.
There are many asbestos-free talcs; therefore, all you have to do is check the ingredients safely.
Some baby powder products also use alternatives to talc. It could be cornstarch or some non-grain alternatives. So, you can be assured you would get an amazing result since both baby powder and dry shampoo contain similar ingredients.
The difference in results most times would be the smell and how well you use it.
We understand that having that baby scent from baby powder is not pleasing to everyone. Well, you might be a baby to your guy (pun intended), but having that ‘baby smell’ might not be ideal for you.
Therefore, you may have to opt for products that have fragrances smelling nice to your taste and that you don’t mind wearing on your head. With that settled, the only reason you could have a different result is to use the products correctly.
Before anything, you have to be informed that you will have to comb your hair till you cannot see the added powder; therefore, you need time. In this case, there is no time; you need something that would blend easily with the color of your hair.
So, if you don’t have a baby powder with the same color as your hair, you may have to find a way to make it appear that way. Simply, the first thing is to consider if you have time or not.
If you need your baby powder to appear in your hair color, there is no other way than to add something that is not toxic. As we stated, if you are a brunette, you may have to add some cocoa mix to blend with your hair color. If you are a redhead, go for cinnamon.
By little addition, the powder would be tinted enough to be concealed easily by your hair.

Knowing the ingredients to look out for in baby powder and how to use it as a dry shampoo for the different hair types, it is important to note the step-to-step guide on how to apply baby powder. The processes will differ because of one common denominator – time.
Those with little time in their hands will use the ‘shake and go’ method that involves shaking the baby powder on the head, massaging the powder into your hair, and brushing to conceal the powdery color.
For those with added time on their schedule, this process would work out perfectly for them;
- Store the powder in a shaker
- Shake it into your hair. Try as much as possible to make it fall directly on the roots.
- With your fingertips, massage the powder, making sure it touches all parts of the root.
- Using a brush with bristles can be very useful to help the powder slide down.
- Give the hair enough time to make sure it absorbs all the white residue. It is advised to apply it at night, so you wake up the next morning ready to set out with your beautiful hair. Another hack!
Try as much as possible to massage/brush your hair well to avoid baby powder building up on your scalp. This will encourage the excessive production and secretion of sebum.
Well, like it is the norm, everything done excessively might not be good. Baby powder will come to your rescue, and hence it is good for your hair if used sparingly. While it acts like dry shampoo, sometimes your hair will still need wet shampoo once in a while.
As we have already seen, baby powder will come to the rescue by helping reduce the dirt, oily, and greasy texture of your hair. For this reason, you will not be required to wash your hair daily. Baby powder will always come in handy to soak oil well in the same way dry shampoo does.
Additionally, baby powder will be good for your hair if you can massage it well on your hair to avoid build-up on your scalp that might cause seborrheic dermatitis and some fungal overgrowth.
However, on the other side, not all types of baby powder will be good for your hair. This is the reason we have emphasized reading the ingredients well. Always avoid baby powders with talc that contains asbestos.
Baby powder buildup may also be a breeding place for bacteria that can inflame hair follicles forming cysts and pimples. Over time, these cysts and pimples will dry up and become scabs. The scabs then interrupt hair follicles, which can eventually lead to hair loss.
The bottom line is to use baby powder correctly to avoid the dark side of too much of it.
Both dry shampoo and baby powder are supposed to give your hair some break from wet shampoo. Don’t consider either as a permanent replacement.
Whether you are using wet shampoo, dry shampoo, or baby powder, over-washing your hair will never make it better.
Baby powder could be used to take out dirt, make the hair appear beautiful, and make it less oily. However, you must understand that completely dry hair is not healthy.
You need your hair with some bit of oil. It is important to note that baby powder does not stop oil from being secreted. It only limits the amount of oil being released by your scalp.
The secretion of oil by your scalp is a natural process and will be threatened by constantly applying either dry shampoo or baby powder. That could also make the hair too soft to hold a style for as long as you wish.
While we have stated that there isn’t much difference between the two, especially on the results side, a few differences might come out. What’s standard is that the differences are not based on the quality of results. Both do one major task; to remove any excess oil or grease on your hair.
So why would you opt for baby powder over commercial dry shampoo or vice versa? Some might opt for the commercial dry powder because of its chemical content, which many ‘equate’ to faster results.
So here are the pros and cons of each;
Baby Powder:-
- Pocket-friendly – This is the major advantage of using baby powder
- Great oil absorption level – Baby powder soaks the oil from the hair well enough.
- Fragrance option – One can choose to use baby powder with fragrance or one without
- Diverse – Several companies such as Johnson and Johnson are available for the production
- Harmful chemicals – This goes to some of the baby powders using asbestos on talc.
- Limited fragrances – Baby powder is particularly associated with ‘baby smell,’ and many would not prefer that smell on their hair.
For dry shampoo, it comes in two forms; Aerosol dry shampoo and powder dry shampoo. Aerosol dry shampoos will be sold in spray cans, making it easy to spray directly to your hair’s roots. This type helps in time-saving and is particularly best suited for those with oily hair.
On the other hand, Powder dry shampoo is best suited for sensitivity to the strong smell. Some may have reactions and allergies from the aerosol sprays, and this would be the best alternative. Baby powder dry shampoo is also a good match for those ladies with thick hair.
Here are the pros and cons of dry shampoo (both powder and aerosol types):-
- Affordable – Organic dry shampoos are affordable and have no harmful minerals.
- Diverse – Different dry shampoos are available in the market from various manufacturers.
- Efficiency – Dry shampoos work more efficiently and faster as they are produced to that effect as opposed to baby powder
- Two different forms – As opposed to baby powder, dry shampoo comes in two forms (powder & aerosol)
- It may not work for all – Some of these shampoo’s content might react with different users.
- Those with hair-related conditions such as dandruff may reconsider using dry shampoos. Those with dandruff might notice higher volumes of dandruff flakes when they use dry shampoos.

The major benefit of using baby powder is reducing the oily and greasy texture of your hair (degreasing). Too much oil and grease on your hair might not be an ideal situation, hence the reason you are encouraged not to wash your hair daily.
Your scalp plays a key role in how sebum/oil is secreted into your hair. The more you wash your hair, the more the scalp secrets oil. Having less oil in your hair is healthy for your hair.
With that in mind, you do not want to use water and wet shampoo on your hair regularly. This is where dry shampoo comes in, and in our article, baby powder can work as an effective and yet cheaper alternative to dry shampoo.
While it’s a good and cheaper option to have baby powder in your bathroom, other quality alternatives are there to help out on your greasy hair, oily hair, or dirty hair. Simultaneously, the baby powder might not work out for everyone, with some reporting reactions and allergies.
So what is the alternative for those who fall in that category? The hair market is diverse and wide for everyone. This is where dry shampoo comes in.
As we stated, some commercial dry shampoos contain toxic chemicals, which is why you should read the label carefully.
Currently, there are various do-it-yourself (DIY) dry shampoos for different hair types, including brunettes and redheads (we shall take a look at this).
Some of the dry shampoos that you can try on your hair include;
- Moroccanoil Dry Shampoo (Light tone)
This is ideal for blondes or those with highlighted or honey-colored hair. The shampoo helps absorb oil fast and gives your hair a shiny look. A fragrance crowns this shampoo and would prevent your hair from smelling.
- Moroccan Dry Shampoo (Dark tone)
This is ideal for dark-haired ladies, and the key aspect of it is that it has a lighter texture that doesn’t leave any powdery residue after applying. A beautiful fragrance crowns this shampoo.
- BATISTE Dry Shampoo (Redheads)
This is ideal for redheads and is tailored to refresh hair, remove the oily texture, and enhance the look. No one wants dull hair. Consequently, this shampoo can help in blending a re-growth in case of any coloring.
- Lush No Drought Dry Shampoo
This dry shampoo is tailored and best suited for any type of hair (oily, normal, and dry). The shampoo will enhance the absorption of any oil and grease on your hair.
The fruity and citrus scent from this shampoo makes it even better for you! Expect no powdery residue but instead, smooth, silk, and soft hair.
Other alternative organic dry shampoos include the following;
- Lulu Organics Hair Powder
- Acure Organics Argan Stem Cell + COQ10 Dry
You can shop for these dry shampoos at Amazon or other leading e-commerce platforms.
To save money and do your dry shampoo at home, here are some types of dry shampoos you can make (For those with light and dark hair)
Light Hair
You will need the following ingredients;
- Cornstarch (1/4 cup)
- Cinnamon (1 tbsp.)
- Lavender essential oil (3 drops)
- Container (preferably empty baby powder)
Combine all the ingredients thoroughly and transfer the mix to the container. Sprinkle the mixture to the roots, massage with your fingers, and brush the shampoo with a comb through your hair.
Dark Hair
You will need the following ingredients;
- Cornstarch (1/8 cup)
- Cocoa powder (unsweetened) – 1/8 cup
- Cinnamon (1 tbsp.)
- Lavender essential oil (3 drops)
- Container (preferably empty baby powder)
The process of applying is still the same as that of light hair dry shampoo.
Too much of everything is bad. None of the baby powder, dry shampoo, and wet shampoo should be overused with this in mind. The best thing is avoiding unnecessary consecutive use of any. Every product should be used sparingly and ensure that you know how to apply it well to achieve the maximum benefits.
Additionally, check the products’ labels to ensure none contains an ingredient that may be harmful to your health or that may have side effects that can affect your hair in the long run.
Remember also to weigh the pros and cons of each product and see which fits your hair properly. So, don’t be late for that appointment with baby powder near you!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I Use Cornstarch Baby Powder As A Dry Shampoo?

Cornstarch baby powder can be used as a form of dry shampoo. It is inexpensive and eco-friendly instead of using more expensive dry shampoos like ones containing chemicals.
Is Baby Powder Better Than A Dry Shampoo?
Sometimes, it can be hard to decide which option is best for your hair, baby powder, or dry shampoo?
One factor that you may want to consider is the scent of the dry shampoo. Baby powder has a sweet smell while dry shampoo has a more chemical smell.
And the second factor is the chemicals included in both of these products, a normal dry shampoo that is available on the market has many chemicals that your hair may doesn’t need in fact those chemicals could bring dangerous results that you never have expected for your hair.
But baby powder is free from these chemicals and is a straightforward product that can dry your oily or greasy hair in a much better way than a normal dry shampoo.
Another factor to consider is whether or not you want your hair to be voluminous.
If you want your hair to be voluminous, then baby powder is probably the best option for you. Dry shampoo will give your hair volume but not as much as baby powder would.
Last updated on: January 7, 2025