Hi! Welcome to my wall today! I am going to tell you everything you need to know about your hair loss and oily hair today. If you have been wondering whether oily hair can cause hair loss, or you’ve been into six and seven with your friends, batting words at each other because you do not agree on what the right answer is, whether oily hair can cause hair loss, or not. I’ve got a pack of stories around here that will interest you. If this topic is your research work too, cheers!

This topic is surprisingly simple, what nobody paid attention to were the surrounding lessons that can help them deduce the answer. Yes, oily hair can cause hair loss, but not always. You need to understand some facts from the start, that’s how you can easily tell if oily hair has got something on your hair or not.
I need to make this clear, oily hair doesn’t mean pouring oil in your hairs, rather it describes a situation when your hair is always wet because no matter how much you try to clean it, your scalp produces some liquid substances that your hair seem watery again, all that is needed is 15 minutes after cleaning. Know a friend who has that?
For some people, this hair liquid can drip down to their eyes from their hair, and make their faces look a little pale. They were bathed and all smart when they showed up in the office, but in a way, they would begin to turn pale right after a few minutes. Some would run to the bathroom every time, just to clean their face before the oil begins to pale their skin.
Many are lucky theirs is bad too, but can’t ever get to that stage because it is innate and limited. Now, what is that liquid? It is called Sebum, a form of oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the body. That is just some invisible little glands in the body that major in oil and wax secretion. They are on your skin and sure enough, that includes your scalp.
So, the sebaceous glands in your scalp produce all the oil required by your hair to remain healthy and glowing. Then, it supplies that oil to your hair through the tiny holes on the scalp called skin pores. Supplying enough oil actually helps you to keep cool and wet hair. Long and shiny. You bet that’s actually why many people assume excess oil should not be a problem with hair growth.
It should supply more nutrients. But that’s not near the way things work up your scalp. Having oil in excess is a threat to adorably long hair. It may attract dirt and trap this dirt in hair follicles, which means there’s no space for your hair to grow. Your hair will continue to glitter like a sunny lake of course. It just won’t grow longer.
I won’t even be surprised to learn you are turning bald if you have oily scalp for a long time. “Why, can it be that bad?” Yes, the excess oils everywhere like a farm eroded by oils. We both know there’s just no way the plants can shoot off such soil, the oil has sealed it off already. That’s exactly how it happens here, your hair follicles are blocked by the oily hair and the dirt is trapped.
Your hair can’t possibly grow longer and you are potentially bald. Many people are only better because they use a lot of hair supplements that try to provide some nutrients needed.
It muses me a lot that people often treat other causes of hair loss like the enemy party standing in the way, and they would get them off with the nearest cosmetics and medication. But they’d treat oily hair like it is just a temporary body visitor that would turn its way soon. When in fact, it is the only problem in those cases.
It is important to note; you must confirm the actual problem before you begin to apply medication to your hair loss. It isn’t always oily hair, there are a lot more causes. As confirmed by one of the medical professors in KWM college, Alejandro, ‘Yes, oily hair can cause dandruff, cause direct hair loss and so forth, but it is not always the problem when you notice hair loss, it accounts for only 45% of hair loss cases.
It should be treated because it will definitely join the list of your hair loss causes if not fully controlled, but there are at least 25 internal and external causes’. This is the reason you must take all the time to examine yourself and confirm what the problem is before considering a remedy.
You should notice from Dr. Alejandro’s comments that if all precautions are taken and oily hair is not treated, it contributes to hair loss with time. This is why you must narrow it out at all costs. So how can you prevent oily hair? There are a lot of notable causes of oily hair, trouble is that you can’t rule out the chances of having one, no matter how much you try.
The first of them is pregnancy, you’ll likely feel oily hair when you’re pregnant. Taking nutritious diets can however help her recover when she gives birth. It is actually necessary for everyone. Eating an unbalanced meal is a top reason people suffer oily hair. You can slim out your chances of bearing excess sebum by taking healthy and balanced diets.
There is a high chance your excess sebum is caused by puberty too. If you are in an early puberty stage, all sorts of actions will start in your body system and it isn’t much you can do. Your body system will definitely return to its normal form and all you need do is wait. Stay healthy too.
Be sure you use balanced pH shampoos on your hair too. Using poor shampoo is a leading cause of many problems, dandruff inclusive. You can easily narrow that by getting yourself the best available. It is your health, give it your best.
So if I ask you now, can oily hair cause hair loss? I’d like to know what you think now. Tell me using the comments section below:
Last updated on: November 25, 2020