In the quest for healthy hair, Amla emerged as a competent source long ago. Also called the Indian gooseberry, Amla is a fruit that grows on the Myabalan tree in India.
For centuries it has been a core ingredient in medicines and healthcare products. The fruit is rich in antioxidants that remove harmful free radicals.
Hair needs collagen for strength. Collagen, in turn, need Vitamin C for production. Amla provides an abundant amount of Vitamin C, which promotes hair growth by the aforementioned mechanism.
The question is, how exactly can you use this fruit to maximize its benefits to your hair? Most masks involve a cleansing agent which clears the way for the absorbance of Amla. In this article, we’ll tell you all the methods.
Homemade Amla Hair Oil Recipe
This is by far the most effective way of using Amla for hair growth. The procedure mainly involves taking mixing store-bought Amla powder and infusing it in oil. The powder is made by crushing the actual fruit.
How To Make It?
You will need 2 tablespoons of Amla powder and 1 cup of coconut oil. Add the two to a pan, on low heat. You may also add a tablespoon of fenugreek powder to the mixture.
The oil will melt and turn golden-brown. At this point, remove the pan from the heat. Let the oil cool down and store in a jar for up to 2 weeks.
How To Use?
Massage the oil on your scalp. This enhances the blood circulation in the scalp and promotes greater absorption of nutrients.
Leave the oil on for 30 minutes and then wash with your regular shampoo routine.
Coconut oil is readily absorbed into the hair follicles, taking Amla with it. Massaging removes grease and flakes from the scalp.
Amla oil and antibacterial properties, removing any hindrances for healthy hair.
It has also shown to decrease the greying of hair. It reduces melanin loss resulting in darker hair color.
Amla Powder And Egg For Hair Growth
This nourishing mask provides the exact pump of protein your hair needs to grow.
How To Make Amla Powder And Egg Mixture
You’ll need 2 eggs and half a cup of Amla powder.
Whisk the eggs until they are light and fluffy.
Now add the Amla powder and mix until the powder has dissolved.
Make sure no lumps are present. In case there are any irregularities, you can add a little water to even out the paste.
How To Use It?
Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair until fully covered.
You’ll find that using a brush makes things easier.
Leave it on for an hour.
Wash your head with shampoo.
You may need to shampoo twice to get rid of the smell of the egg. If the smell still persists, take a lemon squeeze it into half a cup of warm water.
Wash your hair with the water to be free of the smell.
Benefits Of Amla Powder And Egg Mixture
With Amla’s vitamin reserves and egg protein, we couldn’t ask for a better combination.
It provides nourishment and shines to your hair, resulting in a silkier touch.
Amla As A Fruit
Eating raw Amla fruit will not only nourish your hair, but it will also boost your body’s immunity. The fruit is a natural coolant that boosts the healing processes on the scalp. Any rashes or ulcers and taken care of. Its anti-greying properties pave way for a younger you.
Most contraindications of Amla are theoretical. It is advisable to not use it during pregnancy and breast-feeding. The fruit may also increase the risk of bleeding disorders. Amla also worsens the condition of people with liver dysfunction. For diabetic individuals, the Indian gooseberry increases blood sugar levels. You should also stop using Amla a month prior to surgery, to prevent bleeding during and after it.
Last updated on: August 25, 2024