Drying wet hair takes time. You cannot style them in your favorite way unless they are dry and hence you need to do it first. Mainly, if you have long hair, it will take more time. Although one quick solution is to use a blow dryer we all know it can be damaging for your hair if you use it regularly. It is always better to go for a safer alternative. If you have long hair, you might have trouble while drying them as they can take plenty of your time. If you want to know how to get your hair dry in a short time, you have come to the right place.

You might not find a connection between using a conditioner and drying hair fastly, but it can be helpful. Its use after shampoo not only makes them smooth but it also helps them to dry in much less time. The silicone present in the conditioner coats all the hair strands and locks the moisture they need and also aids in repelling water, so that surplus water molecules are not absorbed.
Here is another effective tip for you. Always use a comb (preferably a wide-tooth comb) while applying a hair conditioner. It will assist in even, and smooth application and you will certainly feel the difference. Always be gentle in using the tomb and rigorous action can result in hair damage.
If you have long hair, the drying process can take a long time. For speeding it up, you can try shaking your hair as it will remove the excess water from the strands. You can also run your fingers in your hair to make them dry. It not only circulates more air but also untangle the hair clumps that might be holding water drops. If your hair is dense, you can divide it into 4-5 sections and wriggle them softly before getting out of the washroom. In this way, excessive water will be eliminated, and they will get dry shortly after using a towel. If you skip this step and directly use a towel, it will take a long time. Therefore, it is always better to flip your head and get rid of as much excess water droplets as you can.
The towel you use also affects the total time needed for drying your hair. Using the same old towel, again and again, can be very time-consuming. Besides, excessive rubbing can damage the hair cuticle. Instead, you should buy a microfiber towel. As being soft, it can absorb more water than the ordinary cotton one and hence save you significant time. Also, gentle squeezing with a microfiber towel prevents hair damage. You can also use the towel in the turban style and let it absorb excess water from the hair. Another helpful way is to divide the hair into multiple sections and use a dry patch of the microfiber towel to squeeze each portion gently for a couple of seconds.
Blot every section using a dry towel patch so that maximum water can be absorbed.
Remember not to rub your hair too harshly with the towel as it can break the strands and damages them.
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You might already know that the ends of hair strands dry up first and roots take more time. These take more time than the ends and hence for drying hair faster, it is better to focus on the roots. If you use a towel to dry them first, the overall drying time can be reduced.
Squeeze or blot the roots with a towel. Do this multiple times using the dry part of the towel to soak surplus water. It can be beneficial if you use a small towel for reaching the hair roots while for the ends you may use a large towel.
Remember to fluff the hair roots continuously. You can turn the head downward and gently run fingers through the hair roots. It will increase the airflow to the roots and make them dry faster.

This one is mainly for girls with long curly hair. If you want to retain the shape of these natural curls and get them dry soon, here is a practical solution. A good plopping of the hair strands can be helpful. Here is how you can do it.
Apply a styling cream or a conditioner on all the hair strands when these are still wet. Grab your old cotton T-shirt and place it on a flat surface. Now flip the head down to lower the curls on the T-shirt slowly. Start with rolling the bottom of the shirt in an upward direction and wrap it around your neck. Now grab the top part of the shirt towards the head and wrap it properly around the remaining hair. Pull the t-shirt arms down and bring them around your neck. Once the T-shirt is tucked around your neck, you can stand straight and take the T-shirt’s sleeves in the upward direction closer to the forehead. Now tie a knot with both these, and if there are any loose corners, you can tuck them in the knot. Now leave it there for about 15-20 minutes and then unwrap the shirt. You will get the perfect curls dried up.
Remember that brushing hair while they are wet is a bad idea. In this way, they can break. So it is better to avoid brushing them until they get dry. For untangling them, you can use the wide-tooth comb. It is always better to start combing them at the ends and move upwards slowly towards the roots. It reduces hair damage and lowers hair frizzing.
Once you comb all your hair using the wide-tooth comb, run your fingers through the hair to separate the strands. You can also shake the head. Remember to keep the hair strands loose for promoting airflow.
Make sure you use good quality hair care products either before or after using a comb. The use of appropriate products will help you to style them as you want once they get dry. Depending upon your desired style you can choose to apply sea salt spray, anti-frizz serum, or curling lotion.
Most of the experts say that the best way is to let hair dry naturally by air. Once you blot them with a towel, unwrap them after 20 minutes and then comb them gently to separate the strands. After that, let the air dry your hair. You should leave them open and complete other tasks of your morning routine. The total time that your long hair can take for drying completely varies from person to person, and it depends on the thickness of your hair. Besides, some other factors on which the drying time depends include the weather and amount of water that you removed via blotting.
- If you are in a hurry and your hair is taking very long, you should flip the head upside down after every 3-4 minutes. In this way, the air will get access to more surface of the air and allow them to dry fastly.
- For making them dry fastly, you can also use the comb or fingers to run through the hair strands every 10 minutes.
Here is another effective way that can help to get your long hair dry faster. You can sit in the sun and let the natural heat speed up the drying process. You can take a walk if you want or else you can just sit down for a while and let the hair dry. To make them dry faster, shake the head and fluff the roots. Besides, if it is a windy day instead of sunny, your hair will get dry more quickly.
Final Verdict
People with long hair often find hair styling the most challenging task whenever they need to get ready for any event. If you also have long hair, you can better understand this problem. Their primary concern is that the wet hair takes a lot of time to get dry and until then they cannot style it. If you want to dry your long hair fast, you should always use a conditioner after shampoo. Remember not to use blow-drier as it can severely damage the hair’s health. No doubt, you will get your hair dry shortly with a blower, but that is not safe for your hair. Just buy a microfiber towel and remember all the tips mentioned above to get the hair dry shortly.
Last updated on: December 11, 2020