Tangling of hair- a struggle for the ages. Whether you have long hair or a short type, you must have had to face its untimely knotting. It happens especially at night when you are unaware of your hair in sleep.
We’re sure your family has often witnessed an angry monster struggling with a hairbrush stuck in the hair, right in front of your mirror. This struggle often results in the breakage of your precious hair. To prevent the damage and frustration that results from tangled hair, we decided to investigate. Our exploration led us to find the culprit- dryness.

Dryness tends to increase the probability of you getting tangled with each other. It is always easier to comb your hair with your hands when they are at their silkiest.
Through this article, we’ll tell you how to keep hair from tangling at night and the easiest way to combat dryness and also discuss some other useful tips to prevent hair from getting tangled.

Sounds extravagant, doesn’t it? Cotton is usually the choice of bedding. But cotton causes friction when rubbed against hair.
That is why most of the tangling occurs when you are asleep. Silk on, on the other hand, is smooth. And everyone deserves a little style.
This is a practice you must add to your routine. Most people brush after showering. What they do not know is, wet hair is prone to breakage.
In order to avoid having to deal with tangles during and after a shower, you must brush it before. A paddle brush works just fine but you can also try out a wide bristle comb or a detangling brush.
Buy Detangling Brush From Amazon
We know it’s written twice. That’s how important it is. Once you’ve used the shampoo, conditioning is our best friend. Take a dollop of a good quality conditioner in your palm.
Work your way from the tips toward the scalp. This is the best time for your fingers as a comb and detangles a lot.
Leave the condition on for around 3 minutes and then rinse. Do not attack. Only rinse. Now if you think your hair still hasn’t reached the ideal smoothness level, you can condition it once again.
So the best practice is to squeeze out water from your hair. This leaves a minimal need for a towel. But you will still need it.
So just gently dab the towel on your hair. Rubbing it will cause friction and dryness resulting in tangles.
If you are prone to tangles, it is best that you don’t leave the towel in your hair after dabbing it.
Oh, the shine. You can tell how excited this one makes us. The leave-in conditioner is the way to go. After you’ve showered, put some of it in for good hair day!
Buy Leave-In Conditioner From Amazon
Heat damages hair. Period. The lesser you use a dryer, the better. Leave this job to Mother Nature. Let your hair loose after a shower and it will dry itself.
Applying a hair mask once a week is a practice of the wise. They provide nourishment that your hair may be lacking and leave it moisturized.
There is a mask that we absolutely love. It’s a combination of bananas, avocado, and coconut oil.
The banana for its abundant potassium, avocado for its vitamin B reserves, and the mighty coconut oil for its hydrating properties.
Leave the mask on for 1-2 hours and then wash it off. Your hair smooth hair will forget to get tangled.
Now we know hair styling products have chemicals and we all love them. But you have to pick the ones you decide to use.
Too much sulfate and you’ll be left with dry and damaged hair. You must use products rich in natural oils such as argan and coconut oils.
We all love dying. And quite frankly, you’ve probably already been frowned upon for dying too often. It’s true; the more you dye, the drier your hair becomes.
Bleaching and dyeing strip your hair of moisture, leaving a tangled mess. You need to keep the dyeing rate low.
It’s good to wait 6 months between successive applications.
Regular trimming is essential. Hair tends to develop split ends which make it so much easier to get tangled. So after 3-4 months, get a trim.
Your hair will lose the roughness and become shiner.
Ironing and blow drying are the tools of the era. For the time being, they make your hair bouncy and seemingly shiny.
But do not be fooled. In the long run, heat from these appliances damages hair. It removes moisture and leaves the hair a lot drier and prone to tangles.
If you face tangles in a moderate amount, the above methods are enough. Detanglers are for the stubborn and vicious knots.
These are the ones that get stuck in your brush and bring you down to tears. Fear no more. A detangler provides some quick conditioning to your hair.
You can use it any time of the day, whenever you encounter stubborn tangles. It can be bought cheaply from any drugstore.
It is essential to use a brush that does not add to the mess. A wide paddle brush with a soft bristle works best. Interestingly, a wide-toothed comb has proven to work well too, in my opinion, you should use a good detangler brush that is specially designed for detangled hair.
Avoid brushing with those sharp metal bristles. They get stuck in the hair. It’s also important that you brush your hair first thing in the morning.
Buy A Detangler Brush From Amazon
We hope this guide was helpful. Happy untangled hair to you!
Last updated on: December 11, 2020