One of the most shameful experiences is feeling a crazy urge to scratch your head every time in front of everyone. Imagine your head itching so much you want to scratch it off your neck in an interview or perhaps on a date. It would get so intense you would be undecided.
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Many things can put you in that kind of state, but Dandruff is worst. If you are in that situation, you are landed in the right place because I have the list of some remedies that you can try at your home, so let’s start.
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Tea tree oil is one of the most effective oils for dandruff and itchy scalp. It contains terpinen-4-ol, an antibacterial and antifungal. That is exactly what does the wonders. Dandruff is a fungal infection so this is what you need to apply on your scalp. All you need to do is to gently mix a little amount of tea tree oil (7 to 12 drops) into your shampoo and gently massage it into your scalp and wash your head thoroughly. Please don’t apply an excessive amount of it your skin may be sensitive to it. You should ensure you’re applying it exactly on your scalp because the problem is in your scalp not in your hair.
Baking soda also has antifungal properties; it could be beneficial to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp.
First of all wet your hair and take a little amount of baking soda and apply it to your scalp and massage it thoroughly for 4 to 5 minutes.
Now apply shampoo and rinse your hair gently.
Note: Don’t overuse it, it may damage your skin and scalp due to its high pH level.
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Sesame seeds or sesame oil can help prevent dandruff and itchiness in your scalp, it may help make your hair shiny and strong.
What you have to do is to take the sesame oil about 4 to 5 tablespoons and warm it a little bit (approximately 20 to 30 seconds) and gently massage it into your scalp.
Now cover your hair with a towel and leave it for 1 to 2 hours.
Now wash your hair with shampoo.
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Coconut oil is one of the most famous traditional remedies for hair care. It will help control the itchiness and dandruff on your scalp because it has a strong moisturizing effect.
Take a half cup of coconut oil and slightly warm it if frozen, now apply it on your scalp and gently massage it.
Leave it for 1 to 2 hours letting your scalp and hair completely absorb it. Now rinse your hair thoroughly.
Note: Make sure your skin is not sensitive before applying it.
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This is why everyone should keep a garden of aloe Vera, even if it’s just a couple of pots. It has an amazing touch on the skin naturally, and that’s why hundreds of cosmetic firms can’t work without it. It offers strong protection for your skin so it’s one you can use for reducing dandruff and irritation of your scalp.
You need to get some leaves of aloe vera, cut them, and collect the gel from those leaves for 3 to 4 tablespoons.
Apply the gel on your scalp and leave it for 2 to 3 hours and gently wash the hair.
Repeat this process at least 3 times a week.
Photo by Marco Verch from
Lemon juice appears as one of the most effective cures known for dandruff. It has vitamin C, citric acid, iron, and all the nutrients that help hair health.
Get about 4 to 5 lemons and squeeze out the juice.
Add some water.
Now apply that solution straight on your scalp.
Please keep it for 15 minutes, and make sure you don’t rinse it with shampoo, rinse it with only water.
It’s recommended to apply lemon juice only when you won’t have to use the shampoo for the next couple of hours.
Image: Shutterstock
Lavender oil is one of the oils which are used in a lot of herbal medicines and is very useful for dandruff treatment as it prevents the growth of fungal infections.
Get a little amount of lavender oil and mix it with jojoba oil equally and massage it into your scalp thoroughly.
Leave it for 7 to 10 minutes.
Now wash your hair with shampoo.
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Onion is also used to treat the dandruff and itchy scalp, it is easily available in almost everyone’s kitchen. It can be used by mixing with many oils like olive oil, aloe vera, coconut oil etc.
Put the onion according to your need in a grinder.
Grind the onion until you get the juice from it.
Now mix it with one of the any other oils mentioned above.
Massage the mixture into your scalp thoroughly.
Leave it for one hour.
Now rinse it off with a shampoo that you use in a normal routine.
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Banana is among the cures known for dandruff treatments too. Usually mixed with pertinent remedies like avocado. Maybe this shouldn’t even be called home treatment. It is something closer, say kitchen treatment. Just mash the two ingredients separately, mix them thoroughly, and apply it on your hair. You need to spare them an approximate of 45 minutes on your scalp, then get some shampoo with water and gently wash it all off.
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So, you already know Banana doesn’t work with avocado alone for dandruff. Honey is one of its favorites. These are those things you need not step out to get. Just leave your computer/mobile, open the fridge and get them all out. The combo usually supplies those nutrients your scalp lacked that turned it to a dry desert unwilling to glow like a fine summer garden. Once those nutrients are supplied, you know you can expect better. You can include onion juice to the recipe, but it’s not near necessary, it merely speeds things up. Apply just as you apply the previous banana recipe.
It is absolutely important that you do this. If you’ve been using a particular hair product and you notice it doesn’t save you off dandruff attacks, it really isn’t worth any attention from you. There are a lot of them around these days. Sometimes, you could have used a particular hair product for a long period of time and it would have been effective, only to get to some point and become defenseless to dandruff attacks. That happens with shampoos too. And that’s why you have to painstakingly study everything you use and their effects on you. Once you notice one of your hair defenders is failing, get them replaced.
It’s not always about getting some products and pouring into your hair. Dandruff is sometimes caused by simple recklessness and paying attention to such can get it all off. Chief among them is your bath. How do you bath your hair? Scrub like every ounce of hair on your head must drop off that morning or mildly pat your hairs and call that a wash? Your scalp won’t even feel the effects of that. It is important for you to wash moderately. Make sure your water gets to the scalps and don’t scrub too hard. Dry off your hair thoroughly too.
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Well that’s a part most people don’t think about. Why? They don’t see the connection between the hair and what they eat. Interestingly, what exactly determines what your scalp looks like is what you eat. Your scalp becomes itchy, rough and lost color because it wasn’t getting the vital nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and so on that it needs. When in fact, every single one of these nutrients is supplied naturally when balanced foods that contain them are taken. There you see, what you eat can tell on your scalp. You should check the labels and make sure everything you’re eating has some help to render your scalp.
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Among simple cautions and precautions you can begin to take is to plan stress-free days. Sometimes, you notice your hair drops more than usual when you comb it, that’s the sign. You need to slow down. You’re most definitely having a hard day and sweating excessively. Once your hair begins to drop, dandruff is fast approaching too. If you have been using such schedules for a while, slowing down is actually enough to get your hair back in shape.
Image by Ilona Ilyés from Pixabay
Just like a couple of others already suggested, witch hazel is among the top remedies that have been around for a very long time. The old men knew these things and used them maximally. That’s why you’d read about their sparkling skins in books. This herb is a great way to round off all the treatments you’ve been having. Especially if they’ve been Scalp nourishing. After you nourish your scalps (you should check some of the remedies above for scalp nutrition), the best you want to do next is boost your hair back to its natural and colorful self. This herb won’t only help you with that, it will stop all itches too
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You only need to mix the powder or liquid form with some clean water. Make sure it is concentrated. Usually, 1 teaspoon of the liquid herb is perfect with 2 teaspoons of water. Gently apply that mixture and wash off after 30 minutes, a couple of times a week till you notice enough changes.
You can’t always avoid Dandruff, because it is caused by a series of factors and you’re not sure when you would or wouldn’t fall into one of those situations. Some are internal (food intake, the number of nutrients your body supplies and so on) and external ones (stress, sunburn et cetera). So what you’ve got is no big deal, no matter how much it itches.
However, it is advisable to prevent it from that second you suspect changes in your scalp and hair look, itches, or reduction in hair size. No matter how tough it seems though, you can always get it all cured right in the corner of your room. In fact, most things you need are in your kitchen. There are a few other methods around, but trust me, if you need the best, most reliable, easy and inexpensive methods to cure Dandruff at home, one of those 15 is what you need!
Last updated on: August 25, 2024